Introducing our Quality Liquid Latex: a product that is inserted into the tubes to seal micro holes in the fabric. Patch holes due to punctures and impact damage on your R.I.B.
Wear respirator, safety glasses, and protective gloves when applying.
- Inflate boat firmly, 2-3 PSI.
- Spray boat with soapy water.
- Visually locate the bubblesand mark with a pencil.
- Open valve and deflate boat.
- Pour the Liquid Patch into the valve opening.
- Pour water over the valve to remove any access Liquid Patch (don’t worry about getting any watch in the tubes).
- Inflate the boat.
- Rotate the boat slowly and direct the Liquid Patch towards the puncture(s).
- Keep rotating the boat a few times to make sure the Liquid Patch spreads evenly.
- Spray with soap again to make sure puncture(s) have sealed.